
Alpaca Seller Application

Interested in working with us?!  Tell us a bit about yourself.

Click the button below to start.


Question 1 of 5

Tick all of the following that apply:

(Select all that apply)

I am happy to be self-employed (and take care of my own taxes)


I have a license and vehicle that's able to carry alpacas for delivery.


I have a reliable car and can drive


I am legally allowed to live and work in the UK


I can work independently and am able to assess and understand alpacas and assess buyer needs without guidance.


I can provide 2 references


I am ready to get shit done and get alpacas sold using the internet, networking, and whatever else legally and ethically gets the job done.

Question 2 of 5

Why would you like to help us sell our alpacas?

Question 3 of 5

What skills & experience can you bring to the sales process?

Question 4 of 5

What else would you like us to know?

Question 5 of 5

Let us know your mobile number and re-type your name and email just to make sure we've got everything correctly and can contact you!

Confirm and Submit